In an adsorption process, which is spontaneous,
DS in negative, DH is also sufficiently negative, as the combination of these two factors
DG is negative
Table 1: Distinction between absorption and adsorption
Absorption | Adsorption |
1. It is phenomenon as a result of which the species of onesubstance get distributed uniformly throughout the body of the othersubstance. | It is the phenomenon as a result of which thespecies of one substance get concentrated mainly at the surface of the othersubstance which adsorbs these. |
2. The concentration of the same throughout the material. | The concentration on the surface of the adsorbentis different from that in the bulk. |
3. It is a bulk phenomenon since it occurs throughout thebulk of the material. | It is only a surface phenomenon since it occursonly at the surface. |
4. Absorption proceeds at uniform rate. | Adsorption is rapid in the beginning and its rateslowly decreases with the non-availability of the surface. |
Table 2: Difference between Physisorption and Chemisorption
Property | Physisorption | Chemisorption |
1. Natureof forces | Weak van der Waal's forcespresent. | Strong chemical forcespresent |
2. Heat ofadsorption | Low; of the order of 20-40kJ/mol. | High; of the order of400kJ/mol |
3. Temperature | Usually occurs at lowtemperature | Occurs at high temperature |
4. Reversibility | Reversible | Irreversible |
5. Specificity | It is not specific in nature,i.e., all gases are adsorbed on the surface of a solid to the same extent. | It is highly specific innature and occurs only when there is bond formation between adsorbent andadsorbate molecules. |
6. Natureof molecular layers | Forms multi-molecular layers | Forms mono-molecular layer |
7. Extentof adsorption | The extent of adsorption isdirectly related with the case of liquefaction of the gas. | There is no correlationbetween extent of adsorptiona nd the ease of liquefaction of the gas. |
8. Activationenergy | It does not involveappreciable activation energy. In most cases, the activation energy required isalmost nil. | It generally requiresappreciable activation energy since a chemical reaction is to take place. |
9. Stateof adsorbate | Same state as in the bulk. | State of adsorbate moleculesmay be quite different from that in the bulk. |
Freundlich adsorption isotherm

x/m = K. P1/n
or log x/m = log K + 1/2log P
Where x = mass of the gas
m = mass of adsorbent
P = pressure
Lanqmuir adsorption isotherm-

Rate of adsorption = K1(1 -

Rate of desorption = K2

at equilibrium K = K1/K2 = constant

x/m = KC 1/n
or log x/m = log K + 1/n log C.

loge (Kp/Ka) = DE/RT
where Kp = Rate constant in pressure of catalyst
Ka = Rate constant in absence of catalyst.

Mx/n [(Alo2) (Sio2)y] m.H2O
Where M = Na+, K+, or Ca2+
n = valency of metal cation
m = molecules of water of crystallisation
The Colloidal state:
Thomas Grahma in 1862 coined the term colloids (Greek Kollo - glue, iods - like) to distinguish some amorphous glue-like substances from crystalloids which crystallize easily. He
distinguished these two substances on the basis of their diffusion through parchment membrane.
1. Crystalloids: The one having faster rate of diffusion.
2. Colloids: The one having slower rate of diffusion.
However, this classification has now historical importance and was rejected because some substances diffuse rapidly in water but slowly in alcohol medium (e.g. NaCl), whereas some
substances diffuse slowly in water but rapidly in alcohol medium (.e.g soaps). Therefore, a new term colloidal state was preferred.
It is therefore convenient to examine the colloidal state and not the colloids as such. Though Graham's concept of colloids is not fully valid, the term colloids has, however, been
Characteristics of Colloids
1. It is a particular state and not a class of compounds.
2. It is the state in which rate of diffusion through parchment membrane is slow.
3. It is heterogeneous state, i.e., number of phases

4. Thus a colloidal state must have at least two phases. The one phase dispersed in other is known as dispersed phase (D.P.) or internal phase whereas the other in which dispersions
are made is known as dispersion medium (D.M.) or external phase.
5. It is an intermediate state in between true solution state and suspension state, i.e., particle size of colloidal state (of dispersed phase) lies in between true solution state and suspension state.
True solution | Colloidal state | Suspension |
Solution + Solvent | D.P. + D.M. | Precipitate + medium |
Size: Solute < 1 × 10-7cm | DP = 10-5 to 10-7cm | Precipitate = 0.2 × 10-4 cm |
6. Particles in a colloidal state are not detectable even under microscope; however, their images can be noticed in ultra microscope.
7. Colloidal particles do not settle down under the force of gravity even in keeping for long.
8. Colloidal particles always carry charge, +ve or -ve on dispersed phase particles.
Distinction in true solutions, colloids and suspensions
Table: Distinguishing features in suspension, colloids and true solution
Property | Suspension | Colloid | Solution |
Particle size | > 10-5 cm or 103![]() | 10-7 to 10-5 cm or 10![]() ![]() | <10-7 cm or 10![]() |
Visibility | Visible with naked eye | Images are visible under ultra microscope | Not visible with any of the optical means |
Separation a) with filter paper b) with membranes | Possible Possible | Not possible Possible | Not possible Not possible |
Diffusion | Does not diffuse | Diffuses very slowly | Diffuses readily |
Setting or sedimentation | Settles under influence of gravity | Settle under centrifuge | Does not settle |
Nature | Heterogeneous | Heterogeneous | Heterogeneous |
Appearance | Opaque | Turbid | Clear |
Table: Some examples of different class of Lyophobic Colloidal Systems
Internal phase ordispersed phase | External phase ordispersion medium | Colloidal name | Example |
Solid | Solid | Solid Solution | Alloys, ruby glass, Gems orPrecious stones, Marbles, Optical and vision glasses. |
Liquid | Sol | Muddy water, gold sol,paints, cell fluids | |
Gas | Aerosols | Smoke, particulate clouds,dust | |
Liquid | Solid | Gel | Alloys, ruby glass, Gems orPrecious stones, Marbles, Optical and vision glasses. |
Liquid | Emulsion | Muddy water, gold sol,paints, cell fluids | |
Gas | Aerosols | Smoke, particulate clouds,dust | |
Gas | Solid | Solid form | Purnice stone, polystyrenefoam, foamed rubber. |
Liquid | Foam or froth | Froth, soap suds, whippedcream | |
Gas | Homogenous system | Do not exits as colloids |
Table: Lyophilic and Lyophobic Sols
Property | Lyophilic Sols | Lyophobic Sols |
Nature | Dispersed phase has moreaffinity for dispersion medium | Dispersed phase has lessaffinity for dispersion medium. |
Preparation | Need no special methods forpreparation. Adding of the material in solvent gives the sols. For exampleadding starch in water gives starch sol | Simple mixing does notproduce sols. Special methods (dispersion or condensation) are necessary. |
Concentration | Sols have higherconcentration of dispersed phase. | Sols have lower concentrationof dispersed phase. |
Stability | Thermodynamically more stablesystems | Thermodynamically less stablesystems. Coagulate with time. |
Solvation | Dispersed phase particles arehighly solvated | Dispersed phase particles arenot solvated. |
Viscosity | Viscosity of sols are oftenhigher than the viscosity of dispersion medium. | Almost same as that ofdispersion medium. |
Surface tension | Surface tensions of sols aremuch lesser than the surface tensions of dispersion medium | Almost same as that ofdispersion medium. |
Reversibility | Reversible with temperature. | Irreversible. |
Charge | The charge on dispersed phaseparticles depends upon pH of medium. | Independent of pH of medium. |
Tyndall effect | Less scattering of light. | More scattering of light. |
Coagulation by electrolytes | Very high concentration ofsalt is required for phase separation. | A small amount of salt isrequired for their coagulation. |
Protection of Colloids
i) Lyophobic sols are less stable than lyophilic sols. However, their stability may be increased on addition of lyophilic sols. This phenomenon of stabilizing lyophobic sols by the addition
of lyophilic colloids is known as protection. The lyophilic colloids used for this purpose are known as protective colloids.
ii) The protective colloids form a thin layer around the dispersed phase of lyophobic colloids and thus prevent them from coming close to each other and stabilize them.
iii) The protective character of various lyophilic substances is expressed in terms of gold number.
iv) Gold number of lyophilic is defined as the minimum amount of lyophilic colloid in milligrams which prevents the coagulation of 10 ml gold sol by 1 ml of 10% NaCl solution.
v) More is the gold number, lesser is the protective power of lyophilic colloid.
Substance------- Gold Number
Gelatin---------- 0.005 - 0.01
Haemoglobin ----0.03 - 0.07
Gum Arabic-----0.15 - 0.25
Sodium oleate --0.04 - 1
Starch ---------15 - 25
vi) Gelatin, protein, gums and other macromolecules etc. are popoular protective agents.
vii) A hydrophilic substance does not protect all hydrophobic colloids and protecting power varies for different lyophobic sols. Therefore, another term Congo robin number was
introduced to express protective power of lyophilics. Congo robin number is defined as the amount of protective colloid in milligrams which prevents colour change in 100 ml of 0.01%
Congo robin dye solution to which 0.16 equivalent of KCL are added.
viii) It has been found that protective action of hydrophilics is altogether different for gold and Congo robin sols.
Emulsions are colloidal dispersion of one liquid into another liquid (the two liquids should beimmiscible). Normally one of the two liquids is water.
Emulsions are broadly classified into two types:
i) Oil-in water (or o/W)
Table: Comparison of the properties of two types of emulsions
Characteristics | Water-in-oil emulsion | Oil-in-water emulsion |
Dispersed phase | Water | Oil |
Dispersion medium | Oil | Water |
Appearance | Oily, opaque and translucent(permits light to pass through but diffusing it so that objects on the otherside are not clearly visible. | Watery, opaque and translucent. |
Electrical conductivity | Very low | Appreciable |
Viscosity | More than water | Little more than water. |
Dilution test | More oil added is soluble butnot water. | More water added is solublebut no oil. |
Spreading test | Spreads easily on oil surface | Spreads easily on watersurface. |
Dye-test with oil soluble dyee.g., methylene blue. Examples | Dye is soluble giving abright colour. Butter, cold creams, benzene water, aniline-water etc. | Dye is practically insoluble,coloured droplets are seen. Milk, cream, face creams |