Some Important Results on Limits


(i)Often, f(x) can be simplified by using series expansion, rationalization or using conjugate surds, before limit is obtained.
(ii)For the existence of the limit at x = a, f(x) need not be defined at x = a. However if f(a) exists, limit need not exist or even if it exists then it need not be equal to
Frequently Used Series Expansions
Following are some of the frequently used series expansions:
sin x =

cos x =

tanx =

ex =

ax = 1 + x.lna + (lna)2

(1+ x)n = 1 + nx +

ln(1+ x) =

Note: If

Limit at infinity
In case we want to find the limit of a function f (x) as x takes larger and larger values, we write

denominator is lower than the degree of the numerator, then the

Algebra of limits
The following are some of the Basic Theorems on limits which are widely used to calculate the limit of the given functions.

In particular,

Note: If

L' Hospital's Rule
We state below a rule, called L' Hospital's Rule, meant for problems on limit of the indeterminante form 0/0 or

A function f(x) is said to be continuous at x = a if

If f(x) is not continuous at x = a, we say that f(x) is discontinuous at x = a.
f(x) will be discontinuous at x = a in any of the following cases:

Properties of Continuous Functions
Let f(x) and g(x) be functions, both continuous at x = a. Then

These results also hold in any interval, if both f (x) and g (x) are continuous in that interval.
Continuity in an Interval
f(x) is said to be continuous in an open interval (a, b) if it is continuous at every point in this interval.
f(x) is said to be continuous in the closed interval [a, b] if

intermediate value in (f (x0), f (x1)), atleast once.

Function f(x) | Interval in which f(x) is continuous. |
Constant C xn, n is an integer ![]() |x - a| x-n, n is a positive integer. a0xn + a1xn-1+...+an-1x + an p(x)/q(x), p(x) and q(x) are polynomials in x sin x cos x | (- ![]() ![]() (- ![]() ![]() (- ![]() ![]() (- ![]() ![]() (- ![]() ![]() R - {x :q(x) = 0} R R |
tan x | R - ![]() |
cot x | R - ![]() |
Secx | R - ![]() |
cosecx | R - ![]() |
ex | R |
ln x | (0, ![]() |
Continuity of Composite Functions
If the function u = f(x) is continuous at x = a, and the function y = g(u) is continuous at
u = f(a), then the composite function y = (gof)(x) = g(f(x)) is continuous at x = a.
Removable discontinuity

Non-removable Discontinuity

Let y = f(x) be a continuous function of x in (a, b). Then the derivative or differential coefficient of f(x) w.r.t. x at x

provided the limit exists and is finite; and the function is said to be differentiable.
To find the derivative of f(x) from the first Principle
If we obtain the derivative of y = f(x) using the formula

the definition or from the first principle.
Right Hand Derivative
Right hand derivative of f(x) at x = a is denoted by, Rf'(a) or f'(a+) and is defined as

Left Hand Derivative
Left hand derivative of f(x) at x = a is denoted by

Clearly, f(x) is differentiable at x = a if and only if R f '(a) = Lf '(a).

Rolle' Theorem:

(i)continuous in a closed interval [a , b],
(ii) differentiable in the open
interval (a , b),
(iii) f (a) = f (b),then there exist atleast one value c


y = f (x), the ordinates of the points A and B are equal. The Rolle' Theorem concludes that there is a point on the curve, the tangent at which is parallel to
the chord AB.

interval [-1, 1]. Here the function is continuous in [-1, 1] and f (1) = f (-1). But f (x) is not differentiable at x = 0

1). Hence Rolle' Theorem can't be applied in this case.
Lagrange' Mean Value Theorem:
If a function f (x) is
(i) continuous in a closed interval [a , b] and
(ii) differentiable in the open interval (a , b),
then there is at least one value of x = c


c = a+

The slope of the chord AB =

tangent at which is parallel to the chord AB.

the average rate of change of f (x) over [a, b] is actually achieved at least for one value of x