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Halogen Containing Organic Compounds



1. From Alcohols (Replacement of OH by X)


2. Halogenation of Hydrocarbons

R-H R-X + HX

3. Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Alkenes (Discussed under alkenes)

4. Addition of Halogens to Alkenes and Alkynes

5. Halide Exchange

R-X + I- RI + X-

Nucleophilic Substitution

The order of reactivity is RI>RBr>RCl>RF.

RX + -OH ROH + X- Alcohol
RX + H2O ROH Alcohol
RX + -OR' R OR' Ether
(Williamson synthesis)

RX + -C CR' R - C CR'    Alkyne
RX + I- RI    Alkyl iodide
RX + -CN RCN    Nitrile

RX + R'COO- R¢ - - OR     Ester

RX + :NH3 RNH2       Primary amine

RX + :NH2R' RNHR'      Secondary amine

RX + :NH R'R" RNR'R''      Tertiary amine

RX + SH- RSH      Thiol (mercaptan)

RX + :SR' RSR'      Thioether (sulfide)

RX + ArH + AlCl3 Ar R      Alkyl benzene
(Friedel Craft reaction)

Nucleophilic Displacement by SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms

Sn2 Reaction

1. Mechanism:

2. Kinetics:

The reaction between methyl bromide and hydroxide ion to yield methanol follows second order kinetics; that is, the rate depends upon the concentrations of both reactants :

CH3Br +-OH CH3OH + Br-

rate = K [CH3Br] [OH-]

3. Stereochemistry:
A reaction that yields a product whose configuration is opposite to that of the reactant is said to proceed with inversion of configuration.

4. Reactivity:

In SN2 reactions the order of reactivity of RX is CH3X>1o>2o>3o.

Sn1 Reaction

Mechanism and Kinetics
The reaction between tert-butyl bromide and hydroxide ion to yield tert-butyl alcohol follows first order kinetics; i.e., the rate depends upon the concentration of only one reactant,
tert-butyl bromide.

SN1 reaction follows first order kinetics.

Nucleophilic Displacement By SN1 And SN2 Mechanisms

Steps Two : (1) R:XR+ + X-

(2) R+ + Nu- RNu or
R+ + :Nu RNu+
One : R:X + Nu- RNu + X-
or R:X + Nu RNu+ X-
Rate =K [RX] (1st order) =K[RX] [:Nu] (2nd order)

TS of slow step
Stereochemistry Inversion and racemization Inversion (backside attack)
Molecularity Unimolecular Bimolecular

structure of R
Nature of X
Solvent effect on rate

3o> 2o> 1o> CH3
Stability of R+
RI> RBr> RCl> RF
Rate increases in polar solvent

CH3> 1o> 2o> 3o
Steric hindrance in R group

RI> RBr> RCl> RF
with Nu- there is a large rate increase in polar aprotic solvents.
Effect of nucleophile   Rate depends on nucleophilicity
I- > Br- > Cl- ; RS- > RO-
Catalysis Lewis acid, eg. Ag+, AlCl3, ZnCl2 None
Competition reaction Elimination, rearrangement Elimination


When (-)-2-bromo octane is converted into the alcohol under conditions where first-order kinetics are followed, partial racemization is observed.

The optically active bromide ionizes to form bromide ion and the flat carbocation. The nucleophilic reagent then attaches itself to carbonium ion from either face of the flat ion.

If the attack were purely random, we would expect equal amounts of two isomers; i.e. we would expect only the racemic modification. But the product is not completely racemized, for the inverted product exceeds its enantiomer.

We can say in contrast to SN2 reaction, which proceeds with complete inversion; an SN1 reaction proceeds with racemization though may not be complete.

SN1 reaction follows first order kinetics.

Nucleophilic Displacement By SN1 And SN2 Mechanisms

Carbonium ion
Two : (1) R:XR+ + X-

(2) R+ + Nu- RNu or
R+ + :Nu RNu+
One : R:X + Nu- RNu + X-
or R:X + Nu RNu+ X-
Rate =K [RX] (1st order) =K[RX] [:Nu] (2nd order)

TS of slow step
Stereochemistry Inversion and racemization Inversion (backside attack)
Molecularity Unimolecular Bimolecular
structure of R
Nature of X
Solvent effect on rate

3o> 2o> 1o> CH3
Stability of R+

RI> RBr> RCl> RF
Rate increases in polar solvent

CH3> 1o> 2o> 3o
Steric hindrance in R group

RI> RBr> RCl> RF
with Nu- there is a large rate increase in polar aprotic solvents.
Effect of nucleophile   Rate depends on nucleophilicity
I- > Br- > Cl- ; RS- > RO-
Catalysis Lewis acid, eg. Ag+, AlCl3, ZnCl2 None
Competition reaction Elimination, rearrangement Elimination


When (-)-2-bromo octane is converted into the alcohol under conditions where first-order kinetics are followed, partial racemization is observed.

The optically active bromide ionizes to form bromide ion and the flat carbocation. The nucleophilic reagent then attaches itself to carbonium ion from either face of the flat ion.
If the attack were purely random, we would expect equal amounts of two isomers; i.e. we would expect only the racemic modification. But the product is not completely racemized, for the inverted product exceeds its enantiomer.

We can say in contrast to SN2 reaction, which proceeds with complete inversion; an SN1 reaction proceeds with racemization though may not be complete.

r.d.s formation of carbonium ion.

Reactivity of an alkyl halide depends chiefly upon how stable a carbonium ion it can form.

In SN1 reactions the order of reactivity of alkyl halides is Allyl,benzyl>3o>2o>1o>CH3 X.


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