Displacement current comes into existence in the region, whenever the electric field or electric flux is changing with respect to time.
The displacement current is defined by the relation


When there is a steady electric flux linked with a region, the displacement current is zero.

The line integral of magnetic field

The sum of conduction current and displacement current provides continuity along any closed path although individually they may not be continuous.


The electric lines of force start from positive charge and end on negative charge i.e. the electric lines of force do not form a continuous closed path.

The number of magnetic lines of force leaving a closed surface is equal to number of magnetic lines of force entering that same closed surface.

Line integral of electric field is equal to the magnitude of rate of change of magnetic flux.

It states that the magnetic field can be produced by a conduction current as well as by a displacement current.
Important features of Electromagnetic waves

well as at right angles to the direction of wave propagation.

Direction of wave propagation is given by the direction of

The amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields in free space, in electromagnetic waves are related by E0= cB0
NOTE : The velocity of electromagnetic wave does not depend on amplitude of field metros.

Consider a plane electromagnetic moving through a medium. The electric and magnetic field in such a plane electromagnetic wave can be given by

The average energy density of electric field is

The average energy density of magnetic field is,

The average energy density due to either field are equal, i.e. UE= uB
Total average energy density

The intensity of E.M. wave is the energy of electromagnetic wave crossing per unit time per unit area perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave.
Expression for the intensity of electromagnetic wave is as given below :

The electromagnetic wave has linear momentum associated with it. The linear momentum p carried by the portion of wave having energy U is given by

If the electromagnetic wave incident on a material surface is completely absorbed, it will deliver energy U and momentum p = U/c to the surface. Due to this
momentum change, there is force exerted on the surface.

According to Maxwell, the accelerated charged particles produce electromagnetic waves. The total radiant flux emitted at any instant is given by

When an electromagnetic wave advances, the electromagnetic energy flows in the direction of . The total energy flowing per second per unit area perpendicular to the surface in free space (vacuum) is called a Poynting vector

Radiant flux density is the average value of poynting vector (

electromagnetic wave is incident on a surface, the radiant flux density is called intensity of wave (which is denoted by I). Thus I = S.
A harmonic electromagnetic wave travelling along X-axis in free space can be described by periodic variation of electric and magnetic fields along y-axis and z-
axis with the equations.

Then radiant flux density is given by


The orderly distribution of electromagnetic radiations according to their wavelengths

The major components of electromagnetic spectrum with their wavelength ranges in increasing order are
1. Gamma rays [

2. X-rays [

3. Ultraviolet [

4. Visible light [

5. Infra red [

6. Heat radiations [

7. Micro waves [

8. Ultra high frequency [

9. Very high radio frequency [

10. Radio frequencies [

11. Power frequencies [

1. Radio and Microwave radiations are used in radio and T.V. communication systems. Microwave radiations are also used in Radar communication.
2. Infrared radiations are used (i) in green houses to keep the plants warm (ii) in highlighting the secret writings on ancient walls (iii) for looking through haze, fog
and mist during war time, as these radiations can pass through them.
3. Ultraviolet radiations are used (i) in preserving processed food by killing microorganisms (ii) in the detection of invisible writing, forged documents, finger prints
in forensic laboratory. (iii) For understanding the structure of the molecules and arrangement of electrons in the external shells of atoms.
4. X-rays have wide field of applications. These are used to get valuable information (i) about the structure of atomic nuclei (ii) in the study of crystal structure (iii)
about the fracture of bones and other medical diagnosis etc.