1. We know that the indefinite integral of a function f(x) is not unique and it varies by a constant, known as the constant of integration i.e. I =

anti-derivative of f(x) and c is the constant of integration.
2. In geometrical and other applications of integration, it becomes necessary to find the difference in the values of (1) for two different assigned values of the independent variable x, say
a and b. This difference is called the definite integral of f(x) over the interval (a, b) and is denoted by

Geometrical Interpretation of the Definite Integral


The definite integral can be evaluated by using various techniques of integration studied in indefinite integrals or by using the properties of definite integrals or by writing it as a limit of a sum.
Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum
An alternative way of describing

The method to evaluate the integral, as limit of the sum of an infinite series is known as Integration by First Principle.
Method to express the infinite series as definite integral:
Express the given series in the form

Then the limit is its sum when


The lower and the upper limit of integration are the limiting values of

Some particular cases of the above are


Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus:
Let F(x) be an anti-derivative of a continuous function f(x) on [a, b]. Then

Properties of Definite Integral

2. Change of variable of integration is immaterial so long as limits of integration remain the same i.e.



where the point c may lie between a and b or it may be exterior to (a, b).
(i) This property is useful when f (x) is not continuous in [a, b], because we can break up the integral into several integrals at the points of discontinuity so that the function is continuous in the subintervals.
(ii) This property is true even when c lies outside the interval [a, b].


Special cases:
If f (x) = f(a - x), then


Special case:

8. If f (x) is a periodic function with period T, then

(i) In particular, if a = 0

(ii) If n = 1



A. Leibnitz’s Rule
If g is continuous on [a, b] and f1 (x) and f2 (x) are differentiable functions whose values lie in
[a, b], then

In particular

B. If F(t) =

Sometimes you are asked to prove inequalities involving definite integrals or to estimate the upper and lower bounds of a definite integral, where the exact value of the definite integral is difficult to find. Under these circumstances, we use the following results:

(ii) If f(x)

(iii) For a given function f (x) continuous on [a, b] if we are able to find two continuous functions f1(x) and f2(x) on [a, b] such that f1(x)

(iv) If m and M are respectively the global minimum and global maximum of f (x) in [a, b] then m (b - a)


Piecewise Continuous Functions
Consider a function f(x) defined on [a,b] which has discontinuities at finite number of points say x1, x2, ....,xn. In such a case break the interval [a,b] into sub intervals such that f(x) is
continuous in each of the interval. Such a function is known as PIECEWISE continuous function. While calculating the definite integral of such a function we have to break the interval
[a,b] into sub intervals and calculate the integral separately in each of the sub intervals and add all of this to get the required answers .