Derivative is primarily used to determine rates of changes of quantities. Derivative leads to the determination of slope of the tangent to a curve at a given point. Derivative also helps in locating the turning points of the graph of a function.
Geometrical Meaning of the Derivative:
Let y = f (x) represent a given curve, and P (x, y) and Q(x +



Tangent and Normal to a Curve:
PT is the tangent to the curve y = f(x) at the point P(x1, y1). PN is the normal to the curve at P. The normal to the curve at point P is perpendicular to the tangent to the curve at P.
The slope of the tangent at P(x1, y1) is,

The slope of the normal at P(x1, y1) is,


Hence the equation of the tangent PT is,

The equations of the tangent and the normal are

Angle Between two Curves
The angle between two curves (or the angle of intersection of two curves) is defined as the angle between the two tangents at their point of intersection. As the figure shows,

between the two curves, is given by


where tan

Two curves are said to cut each other orthogonally if the angle between them is a right angle, that is, if

Two curves touch each other if the angle between the tangents to the curves at the point of intersection is 0o , in which case we will have, tan

Let y = f (x) be a given function with 'D' as it's domain. Let .D1

Increasing Function:
1.f (x) is said to be increasing in D1 if for every
x1, x2

Non-Decreasing Function:
1. f (x) is said to be non-decreasing in D1 if for every x1 , x2

f (x) would never decrease with an increase in the value of x. Refer to fig.3.

Decreasing Function:
1. f (x) is said to be decreasing in D1 if for every
x1, x2

value of f (x) would decrease with an increase in the value of x. Refer to fig.4.

Non-Increasing Function:
1. f (x) is said to be non-increasing in D1 if for every x1, x2

A function which is either increasing or decreasing in the entire interval D1 is called a monotonic function.
Basic Theorems:
Let, f be a function that is continuous in [a, b] and differentiable in (a, b). Then
(i) f(x) is a non-decreasing function in [a, b] if f '(x)

(ii) f(x) is an increasing function in [a, b] if f '(x) > 0 in (a, b) ;
(iii) f(x) is a non-increasing function in [a, b] if f '(x)

(iv) f(x) is a decreasing function in [a, b] if f '(x) < 0 in (a, b).
(i) Let x1, x2, (x1 < x2) be any two points in [a, b]. Since the function is differentiable and continuous in [a, b], f(x) satisfies the conditions of Lagrange's Mean value theorem on [a, b].
Hence on [x1, x2],f(x2) - f(x1) = (x2 - x1) f'(c), x1 < c < x2. Since, x2 - x1 > 0, f(x2) > f(x1) if f'(c) > 0 and f(x2) < f (x1) if f'(c) < 0.
This result is true for any two points x1 and x2 in [a, b] and c

[a, b], then f(x) is a decreasing function.
(ii) If

(iii) If

(iv) If f (0) = 0 and

(v) If f (0) = 0 and

(vi) The points for which

(vii) The stationary points are the points where

If f' (x) is continuous, then f (x) can go from positive values to negative values or from negative values to positive only by going through the value zero. The value of x for which f' (x) = 0
are also called the turning points. At a stationary or a turning point, the tangent to the curve y = f (x) is parallel to the x-axis. On the left and right of a turning point, tangents to the curve
have different direction.
(viii) A function f (x) is said be to increasing or decreasing at a point x0, if there exists an interval (x0 - h, x0 + h), h > 0 around x0, in which the function is increasing or decreasing
Maxima and Minima
Let y = f (x) be a function which is defined on an open interval (a, b) and let c be a point in this interval. Let I

f(x) is said to have a local or relative maximum at x = c, if there exists a neighbourhood
(c - h, c + h), (contained in the domain of f) , of c such that f(c)

f(x) is said to have a local or relative minimum at x = c if there exists a neighborhood (c - h, c+ h), (contained in the domain of f), of c such that f(c)

h).f(x) is said to have relative or local extremum at x = c if it has relative maximum or relative minimum at x = c.
If f(x) has a local maximum (minimum) at c, then f(c) is called a local maximum (minimum) value of f. The points of local maximum and minimum are called critical points or stationary
points. The values of the function corresponding to these points are called the extreme values of the function.

If f(x) has a local extreme value at x = c then either f ' (c) = 0 or f '(c) does not exist.
A function may have many local maxima and/or local minima.
The local maximum (or the local minimum) value of a function is not the largest (or the smallest) value of the function. At a point of local maximum (or local minimum) a function has the
largest (or the smallest) value in comparison with the values in the neighbourhood of that point.
Tests for Maxima and Minima:
If f '(c) = 0, then we have 3 tests to decide whether function f(x) has local maxima or local minima or neither at x = c.
First Derivative Test:
Let f(x) be continuous in some neighbourhood (c - h, c + h) of c. Then
(i) f(x) has a local maximum at x = c if ;
(a) x = c is a critical point of f(x);
(b) f '(x) > 0 in (c - h, c), and (c) f ' (x) < 0 in (c, c + h).
Here, in moving from left to right through the critical point c, f '(x) changes sign from plus to minus.
(ii) f(x) has a local minimum at x = c if ;
(a) x = c is a critical point of f(x); (b) f '(x) < 0 in (c - h, c), and
(c) f ' (x) > 0 in (c, c + h).
Here, in moving from left to right through the critical point c, f '(x) changes sign from minus to plus.
(iii) If f '(x) does not change sign in moving through c, then there is neither a maximum nor a minimum at x = c.
If f '(c) does not exist then the following method is adopted in deciding whether f(x) has a local maximum/minimum at x = c or not.
Case 1:
Let f'-(c) and f'+(c) exist, be non zero and unequal with A = f'-- (c), B = f'+(c);
(a) If A > 0 and B < 0, then f(x) has local maximum at x = c.
(b) If A < 0 and B > 0, then f(x) has local minimum at x = c.
(c) If A and B both are of the same sign then f(x) does not have any local maxima or local minima at x = c.
Case 2:
Let one of the derivatives (either left or right) be zero at x = c and the other
non-zero. If f'-(c) = 0 and f'+(c)

Case 3:In case the left or the right or both the derivatives do not exist at x = c, but f(x) is continuous at x = c, we consider the value of the function for x = c - h and x = c + h. If f(c - h) < f(c)
as well as f(c + h) < f(c), then f(x) has a local maximum at x = c. If f(c - h) > f(c) and f(c + h) > f(c), then f(x) has a local minimum at x=c.
Concept of Global Maximum/Minimum:
Let y = f (x) be a given function with domain D. Let [a, b]

Global maximum and minimum in [a, b] would always occur at critical points of f(x) within [a, b] or at the end points of the interval.
Global Maximum / Minimum in the closed interval [a, b]:
In order to find the global maximum and minimum of f(x) in [a, b], find out all the critical points of f(x) in (a, b). Let c1, c2, be the different critical points. Find the value of the
function at these critical points. Let f(c1), f(c2), .., f(cn) be the values of the function at the critical points.
Say, M1 = max {f(a), f(c1), f(c2), .., f(cn), f(b)}
and M2 = min {f(a), f(c1), f(c2), .., f(cn), f(b)}.
Then M1 is the greatest value of f (x) in [a, b] and M2 is the least value of f (x) in [a, b].
Global Maximum / Minimum in the open interval (a, b):
Let y = f (x) be the given function and c1, c2, .., .cn be different critical points of the function in (a, b).
Let M1 = max {f(c1), f(c2), f(c3) .., f(cn)}
and M2 = min {f(c1), f(c2), f(c3) .., f(cn)}.
Now if

This means that if the limiting values at the end points are greater than M1 or less than M2, then f(x) would not have global maximum/minimum in (a, b). On the other hand if
M1 >

Second Derivative Test:
Let f be a function such that,
(i) f(x) is continuous in (c - h, c + h) ;
(ii) f '(c) = 0;
(iii) f '' (c) exists.
(1) f(x) has a local maximum at x = c, if f ''(c) < 0.
(2) f(x) has a local minimum at x = c, if f ''(c) > 0.
The second derivative test does not help when f '(c) = 0 and f ''(c) = 0. In such a situation we shall have to depend upon the following test.
nth Derivative Test:
Let f be a function such that
(i) f '(c) = f ''(c) = ... = f (n - 1) (c) = 0; (ii) f(n) (c)

(1) f(x) has a local maximum at x = c ; if n is even and f (n) (c) < 0.
(2) f(x) has a local minimum at x = c ; if n is even and f (n) (c) > 0
(3) f(x) has no local extreme at x = c ; if n is odd.
Differentials and approximations:
Let y = f (x) be a differentiable function. By definition

This can also be written as


dy =

Therefore, when x is increased by a small quantity

assigned to both x and dx.
We, thus, have f (x +

Curve Sketching
We can analyze the shape of the graph of a given curve of the form f (x, y) = 0, by using one or more of the following information. Such an analysis enables to sketch or trace the graph
of the given curve.
1. Domain and range (or the extent of the curve)
2. Points of intersection with the coordinate axes
3. Symmetry about the coordinates axes i.e. f (x, y) = f (x, - y) or f (x, y) = f (- x, y) or both.
4. Symmetry about the origin i.e. f (x, y) = f (- x, - y).
5. Symmetry about the lines y =

6. Intervals of increase and decrease of the curve
7. Points of local maximum and local minimum (turning points)
8. Periodicity. If p is the period of y = f (x), then it is enough to trace the function in the interval [a, a + p]. Then the graph repeats itself on both sides of the interval.