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Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem

A Binomial Expression

Any algebraic expression consisting of only two terms is known as a binomial expression. It's expansion in powers of x is known as the binomial expansion.

For example:

(i) a + x
(ii) a2 +
(iii) 4x - 6y

Binomial Theorem:

Such formula by which any power of a binomial expression can be expanded in the form of a series is known as binomial theorem. When n is a positive integer,

(a + x)n = nC0an+nC1an-1x + nC2 an-2 x2 + ... + nCr an-r xr + ... + nCnxn,

where nC0, nC1, nC2 .... nCn are called Binomial co-efficients.

Properties of the Binomial Expansion

There are (n + 1) terms in the expansion of (a + b)n, the first and the last term being an and bn respectively. If nCx = nCy, then either x = y or x + y = n

nCr = nCn - r =. e.g. 12C9 = 12C3.

The general term (which is (r + 1)th term) is = nCr an - r br. It is usually denoted by Tr+1.

In the summation notation, the binomial theorem is written as


n is called the index of the binomial. The values of the binomial coefficients are symmetrically placed about the middle value if the index n is even, and about two middle values (which

are equal) if the index is odd.

Middle term

(i) When n is even
Middle term of the expansion is the term i.e., nCn/2 an/2 bn/2 in the expansion of (a + b)n.

(ii) When n is odd

Middle terms of the expansion are the term and the term.

These are given by, in the expansion of (a + b)n.


1. The binomial co-efficients in the expansion of (a+x)n, equidistant from the beginning and from the end are equal.

2. The binomial coefficient of the rth term from the end = binomial coefficient of the (n - r +2)th term from the beginning.

3. If there are two middle terms, then the binomial co-efficients of two middle terms will be equal and those two co-efficients will be greatest.

Greatest Binomial Coefficient

To determine the greatest coefficient in the binomial expansion, (1 + x)n, when n is a positive integer.

Coefficient of =

Now the (r + 1)th binomial coefficient will be greater than the rth binomial coefficient when

Tr+1 Tr

1 . .....(1)

But r must be an integer, and therefore when n is even, the greatest binomial coefficient is given by the greatest value of r, consistent with (1) i.e., r = and hence the greatest binomial
coefficient is nCn/2.

Similarly if n be odd, the greatest binomial coefficient is given when,


To determine the numerically greatest term in the expansion of (a + x)n, when n is a positive integer. Consider


Thus |Tr + 1| > |Tr| if . .... (2)

Note: .

Thus Tr+1 will be the greatest term, if r has the greatest value as per relation (2).

Tips to Remember

(a) for the binomial expansion of (a + x)n.

(b) (n + 1)Cr = nCr + nCr-1

(c) When n is even,

(x + a)n + (x - a)n = 2(xn + nC2 xn-2 a2 + nC4 xn-4 a4 + .... +nCn an).

When n is odd,

(x + a)n + (x - a)n = 2(xn + nC2 xn-2 a2+ ... +nCn-1 x an-1).

When n is even,

(x + a)n - (x - a)n = 2(nC1 xn-1a + nC3 xn-3a3 + ... +nCn-1 x an-1).

When n is odd

(x + a)n - (x - a)n = 2(nC1xn-1a + nC3xn-3 a3 + ... +nCn an).

Properties of Binomial Coefficients

For the sake of convenience, the coefficients nCo, nC1,....nCr,.....nCn are usually denoted by Co, C1,... Cr ... Cn respectively.

Put x = 1 in (A) and get, 2n = Co + C1 +......+Cn

or Co + C1+ ..... + Cn = 2n. ....(D)

Also putting x = - 1 in (A) we get,

0 = Co - C1 + C2 - C3 +.......

C0 + C2 + C4 + ........= C1 + C3 + C5 +....

But from (D) Co + C2 + C4 + ....... + C1 + C3 + C5 +.......=2n.

Hence Co + C2 + C4 + ......... = C1 + C3 + C5 +.......= 2n-1.

For x = 2, (A) gives nC0 + 2 nC1 + 22 nC2 + ... + 2n nCn = 3n .

For Problem related to series of binomial coefficients in which each term is a product of two binomial coefficients.

If sum of lower suffices of binomial expansion in each term is the same

i.e. nC0 nCn + nC1 nCn-1 + nC2 nCn-2 + ....+ nCn nC0

i.e. 0 + n = 1 + (n - 1) = 2 + (n - 2) =....= n + 0.

Then the series represents the coefficient of xn in the multiplication of the following two series

(1 + x)n = C0 + C1x + C2x2 + . . + Cnxn

and (x + 1)n = C0xn + C1xn-1 + C2xn-2 + . . + Cn.


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